Wednesday, May 2, 2012


While I find I come up lacking in many areas of parenting, one area in which I am proud is that my kids area always up for trying new things.  Last Sunday, my mom and I were grocery shopping together when I came across a gorgeous but strange looking piece of fruit called dragonfruit.

We had no idea what it was or how to eat it but my mom and I each picked one up so the family could try.  We proudly displayed are wonders at the top of carts in which we were stopped several times to ask what the hell it was.  Towards the end of our trip, a man stopped my mom to ask where she had found it.  She pointed him in the direction but asked what he knew about it.  He said they were a cactus fruit and that they were sweet in the center.

After a few Google searched we found out how to cut and prepare this delicacy.  The season generally doesn't start until August so we weren't expecting peak flavor but man they were GOOD!  It has a texture similiar to a kiwi but had a very mild sweet taste.  I assume when in season they will have a simliar flavor of a fresh fig. 

After consuming the first one, we decided to get creative and made a strawberry & dragonfruit shortcake. YUM!


I had G-Man convinced for 10 minutes that the dragonfruit was from a dragon and had teeth.  After tormenting him for a while, I told him not to worry, this one was dead but to make sure to stay clear of live ones.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I've never seen that fruit! I need to start looking for it, looks delicious!
